Phoenix Custom Interior Remodeling

Phoenix Custom Interior Remodeling

Kitchen Planning Progress

Phoenix Home Renovations appreciates you considering us for your bathroom and kitchen remodeling projects. Explore our range of services. Speak to our experts. And embark on your journey to creating the kitchen or bathroom of dreams. Kitchen Redecoration Stages We are available to provide you with excellence, creativeness, and a personalized touch.

Phoenix Home Renovations is committed to creating a homey oasis within your house. We are committed to providing a space both visually appealing and functionally comfortable, whether you have a small powder bathroom or a large master bath.

Your bathroom should be more than a functional room. It is a refuge. Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling provides bathroom remodeling to create an ambiance of luxury and serenity. Looking to transform your living space in Phoenix, AZ? Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling is your trusted partner for all your home improvement needs. With our experienced team of professionals, we specialize in creating functional and stylish interiors that reflect your personal taste and lifestyle. Whether you're looking to update your kitchen, renovate your bathroom, or add a new room addition, we're here to make your remodeling dreams a reality. Contact Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling today to schedule a consultation and start planning your next home renovation project!. We transform each bathroom into a private oasis that reflects your individual taste and style.

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling is always on the cutting edge of home renovations, especially in kitchen and bathroom remodeling. We use the latest technologies and trends to create spaces that are timeless and modern.

Let Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling take you on a journey of transformation with our specialized kitchen home remodeling services. Our experts work with you to design a kitchen that reflects your culinary dreams, combining aesthetics and functionality into a space that becomes the soul of your home.

With Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling, bathroom home remodeling becomes an expression of who you are. Kitchen Transformation Progress We believe that your bathroom should be a place where you can relax and rejuvenate, and our team is committed to creating spaces that resonate with your essence, providing comfort, style, and luxury.

At Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling, kitchen home remodeling is more than a project; it's a passion. Custom Storage Our designers and builders work in harmony to create kitchens that resonate with your personality, blending aesthetics, functionality, and quality into a space that becomes the heart of your home.

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling

Phoenix Home Remodeling




97 Google reviews

Remodeler in Chandler, Arizona

Service options: Online estimates · On-site services

Address: 6700 W Chicago St #1, Chandler, AZ 85226, United States

Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 7 pm · More hours

Phone: +1 602-492-8205

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Google Review Link -,+6700+W+Chicago+St+%231,+Chandler,+AZ+85226,+United+States&ludocid=5165661640854509667&lsig=AB86z5Vm73YmnAPMnVOBxB6ACnK1#ip=1

Phoenix Home Remodeling ✔️

🏠Current address 6700 W Chicago St #1,Chandler, AZ 85226,United States



📞Phone +16024928205

✔️Business status Claimed

📍Latitude/Longitude 33.300803,-111.958258

🔖Categories Remodeler, Bathroom remodeler, Construction company, Contractor, General contractor, Kitchen remodeler

🌎Place ID ChIJCZJYbVgEK4cRY5j-vOQdsEc

📝Knowledge Panel ID (KG ID) /g/11fy2d3flq

➕CID Number 5165661640854509667

🏢Business Profile ID 2303963876087483291

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Exploring Frosted and Patterned Glass Options For Your  Shower Space

Exploring Frosted and Patterned Glass Options For Your  Shower Space

The choice of materials plays a pivotal role in defining a space's aesthetics and functionality. Frosted and patterned glass options have emerged as popular for those looking to enhance privacy, diffuse light, and add a decorative touch to their environments. Frosted glass offers privacy and a sleek look by diffusing light, ideal for showers and bathrooms. […] Source:

Posted by on 2024-03-16

Shower Glass Coatings: Preventing Water Stains and Buildup

Shower Glass Coatings: Preventing Water Stains and Buildup

During bathroom maintenance, preserving the sparkling appearance of shower glass against water stains and buildup is a common challenge. However, advancements in bathroom technology have led to the development of innovative solutions, notably shower glass coatings. Shower glass coatings, either hydrophobic or hydrophilic, are protective treatments applied to prevent water stains and buildup, making cleaning easier. […] Source:

Posted by on 2024-03-16

Sliding vs. Hinged Shower Doors: An In-depth Comparison

Sliding vs. Hinged Shower Doors: An In-depth Comparison

When remodeling a bathroom or choosing features for a new one, the type of shower door you select can significantly impact its functionality and aesthetics. Two of the most popular options are sliding doors and hinged doors. Hence, the sliding vs. Hinged shower doors debate.So, how do you decide between sliding and hinged shower doors? Sliding […] Source:

Posted by on 2024-03-16

Home Remodeling In Phoenix

The choice of material in kitchen remodeling can make a difference. Multigenerational Design Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling has a variety of high quality materials for you to choose from. This will ensure that not only is your kitchen visually stunning, it's also built to last.

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling's bathroom remodeling goes beyond the aesthetics. Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling pays attention to both the aesthetic and functional aspects.

Phoenix Custom Interior Remodeling - Frosted Glass

  • Quartzite
  • Color Theory
  • Caesarstone
  • Kitchen Chandelier
  • Kitchen Counter
  • Breakfast Nook
  • Kitchen Upgrade Progress
  • Kitchen Renovation Techniques
  • Kitchen Transformation Guide
  • Kitchen Pantry Design
  • Kitchen Remodeling Guide
We ensure that each element, such as the tub and the tiles, are carefully selected and installed in order to create an experience of luxury and comfort.

In the middle of every home is the kitchen. Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling provides kitchen home remodeling services that will transform your existing kitchen into a culinary oasis. With the latest trends, high-quality products and innovative designs, we create a kitchen where cooking is a pure pleasure.

Home Remodeling In Phoenix
All Types Home Improvement

All Types Home Improvement

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling does not simply renovate a room; we reimagine it. Our designers will take the time necessary to fully understand your requirements and turn your bathroom into an oasis where your style and preferences are reflected in every detail.

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling can transform your kitchen or bathroom into a functional and personal haven. We are committed to customer satisfaction, innovation and excellence. Let us help you realize your remodeling dreams.

Detail is important when it comes to bathroom remodeling. Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling pays attention to every detail, from the lighting to the layout, in order to achieve a balance between beauty, functionality and aesthetics. You can call us to get your personalized oasis.

The final result of kitchen home remodeling is largely determined by the choice of materials. Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling provides a large selection of high-quality products to ensure that your kitchen will not only be visually stunning, but also durable.

Phoenix Custom Interior Remodeling - Consumers

  • Modern Kitchen Decor
  • Kitchen Redecoration Tips
  • Farmhouse
  • Bathtub
  • Dishwashers
  • Decorative Objects
  • Hardwood Floors
  • Spice Rack
  • Kitchen Makeover Trends
  • Homeowner
  • Kitchen Refurbishment Progress
  • Kitchen Transformation Stages
  • Kitchen Island
  • Kitchen Layout
  • Kitchen Appliance Types

Home Improvement Guide

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling takes bathroom renovations beyond aesthetics. We consider the functionality of the bathroom as well. Consumers From the tiles to the tub, we carefully select and install each component to provide an unparalleled level of comfort.

When it comes down to remodeling kitchens and bathrooms, trust is crucial. Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling’s transparent approach, dedicated team and unwavering quality commitment have made it the preferred choice among Arizona homeowners. Your dream spaces await you.

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling, a leading name in Arizona kitchen and bathroom renovations, is synonymous with innovation, quality and customer satisfaction. Let us transform these spaces into functional, beautiful and personalized havens, which reflect your individual taste and lifestyle.

Phoenix Home Remodeling Cost Estimate
Phoenix Home Remodeling Cost Estimate

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling's kitchen and bathroom remodeling projects are backed up by years of expertise and a dedication to quality. We think remodeling should be a fun and exciting experience. We're here to help you along the way.

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling can help you with your kitchen remodel. We offer the latest design, materials and innovations. No matter if you're a gourmet or a parent on the go, our remodeling service will design a kitchen tailored to your needs and lifestyle.

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling has a reputation for quality, innovation, customer satisfaction, and kitchen and bath remodeling in Arizona. Let us transform the spaces in your home into beautiful, functional, personal and unique havens reflecting your unique tastes and lifestyle.

Frosted Glass
Lighting Fixtures

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling's team approaches every project with precision and attention. We strive to create a relaxing bathroom, combining comfort and style.

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling is synonymous to quality and innovation in the kitchen and bathroom remodelling industry.

Phoenix Custom Interior Remodeling - Custom Storage

  1. Kitchen Planning Progress
  2. Kitchen Redecoration Stages
  3. Kitchen Upgrade Advice
  4. Kitchen Transformation Progress
  5. Consumers
  6. Frosted Glass
  7. Wallpaper
  8. Hot Water Dispenser
  9. Multigenerational Design
  10. Custom Storage
  11. Kitchen Upgrade Process
  12. Evaluation
  13. Wall Decor
We offer tailored solutions that reflect your personal style and make your kitchen or bath a space where you can truly express yourself.

Phoenix AZ Home Remodeling meticulously plans and executes the kitchen remodeling process. Hot Water Dispenser Our team is made up of highly skilled designers and contractors who work closely with you in order to create the kitchen of your dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions

When planning your renovations, remember that no room should cost more than 10% of the current house value, with the exception of the kitchen. Renovations to the kitchen can be more expensive and in some cases exceed 15% of a home's current value.